Welcome To My Homepage!
- 🔭 I’m currently an undergraduate student at Nankai University.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Cyber Science and Finance!
- 👯 I’m learning Crypto!
- 🌱 I’m interesting in programming with Python!
- 🤔 Please feel free to contact me : 2211044@mail.nankai.edu.cn if you are interested in my projects!
- 🔭 Honors:
- 2023-2024学年度国家奖学金
- 2024年京津冀大学生信息安全攻防大赛一等奖
- 2024年网鼎杯 网鼎之星(青龙组前150名)
- 2024年强网杯 强网先锋 rank:56/3000
- 2024年DASCTF&GFCTF rank:40/300
- 2024年XYCTF rank:50/1327
- 2024年H&NCTF rank:65/1183